My new ring has made its appearance! It is sooooooo beautiful! Here are a few photos for your viewing pleasure although I must warn you. I have no prior experience in photographing big honking diamonds, so they are a bit wonky! LOL! Do you see the little diamonds on the sides under the center stone? Very cool!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
A Few Vacation Pics
Monday, August 27, 2007
I've been thinking....
Yeah! I know that sounds a bit dangerous, but I promise it's not. Today I've thought about a lot of stuff. Really weird nonsense stuff. Like ordinary foods that most everyone loves...except me! I'm sure you're all wondering what kind of freak I am, so here's my list.
1. Spaghetti--I don't know why I hate it. I love pizza and I like lasagna so what do I have against spaghetti? I have no idea but it's gross!
2. Root Beer--I vaguely remember taking medicine as a child that tasted like Root Beer. Hated it then and I hate it now!
3. Brownies--OK! I don't hate them but I don't really see the fascination with them either. I did make some last night that were brownies swirled with chocolate chip cookie. Now those were yummy! I think it was the cookie part that sucked me in!
4. Tea--I seriously have a logical explanation for this one. I won't go into details but it involved having a tooth pulled, a tea bag, and something called a "liver clot". Trust me! It's just better if I don't drink tea!
5. Nuts--I don't hate nuts in general. I just don't think they belong in other foods! They don't belong in cookies, candy, jello, fruit salad, icing, ice cream. I'm sure you get my point! They are fine by themselves, but they do not need food friends!
6. Red Bull--Or any of the vile smelling energy drinks Jason guzzles. I've only taken a tiny sip of Red Bull but it did not give me wings!
7. Beer--Falls under the vile smelling category! Not really sure how I'm supposed to drink something that smells soooooo BAD!
8. Bologna--This deserves no explanation! Read the ingredients!
9. Pecan Pie--See above rant about nuts in other foods!
10. Olives & Mushrooms--Those just seem to go together in the nastiness category! They are so slimy looking!
So there you have it! My list of Yuckies!
I can't be the only weirdo around here, so tell me...what are some foods/drinks that you don't like?
1. Spaghetti--I don't know why I hate it. I love pizza and I like lasagna so what do I have against spaghetti? I have no idea but it's gross!
2. Root Beer--I vaguely remember taking medicine as a child that tasted like Root Beer. Hated it then and I hate it now!
3. Brownies--OK! I don't hate them but I don't really see the fascination with them either. I did make some last night that were brownies swirled with chocolate chip cookie. Now those were yummy! I think it was the cookie part that sucked me in!
4. Tea--I seriously have a logical explanation for this one. I won't go into details but it involved having a tooth pulled, a tea bag, and something called a "liver clot". Trust me! It's just better if I don't drink tea!
5. Nuts--I don't hate nuts in general. I just don't think they belong in other foods! They don't belong in cookies, candy, jello, fruit salad, icing, ice cream. I'm sure you get my point! They are fine by themselves, but they do not need food friends!
6. Red Bull--Or any of the vile smelling energy drinks Jason guzzles. I've only taken a tiny sip of Red Bull but it did not give me wings!
7. Beer--Falls under the vile smelling category! Not really sure how I'm supposed to drink something that smells soooooo BAD!
8. Bologna--This deserves no explanation! Read the ingredients!
9. Pecan Pie--See above rant about nuts in other foods!
10. Olives & Mushrooms--Those just seem to go together in the nastiness category! They are so slimy looking!
So there you have it! My list of Yuckies!
I can't be the only weirdo around here, so tell me...what are some foods/drinks that you don't like?
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Just hangin with my girls...
Fergie, Pink, & Gwen! That's what I did yesterday! In my cutie yellow car with my fancy new sunglasses!
It all started with a coupon from Scrapbook N Such. 50% off EVERYTHING! How could I resist that? I immediately began trying to come up with a way to keep Drew contained in the store while I grabbed as much stuff as I possibly could. I showed the coupon to Jason who promptly replied, "I'll make a deal with you." I couldn't help but look at him suspiciously. I believe the last time I heard that, a motorcycle was involved! LOL! He said that he'd watch Drew if I'd take my cutie yellow car and go shopping. I'm guessing he figured if I took the tiny car I could only buy so much stuff. HA! You should see the amount of scrapbook supplies that I managed to stuff into that passenger seat! I believe I "saved" $130 and really it was all stuff that I NEEDED! I can't go to Longview without going to Hobby Lobby now can I? Plus their paper was 50% off too! Had to do a little rearranging in the passenger seat but it all fit. (Did I mention that I was in the scrapbook store less than 5 minutes when my phone rang?
Me: "Hello?"
Jason: "How do you make her eat?"
Seriously????? You put food on the spoon, she opens her mouth like a starving little bird, and in it goes! It's not that hard! Apparently Drew had decided that she wasn't going to eat anything for Daddy all day! Silly girl! LOL!)
Off to Target I went. That's where I picked up Fergie and Pink. (Gwen was already with me!) Couldn't really buy much else--a Backyardigans DVD for Drew--just a little something for making Daddy's day so interesting! On the way home Jason apparently tried calling me 8 times (who could hear the phone over me and Fergie singing #10 at the top of our lungs while racing an old guy in a Dodge Avenger?)
Quick question--One would assume that if you are driving a car the color of a freakin' banana people WILL see you, right? I mean this
does not blend into the scenery, does it? Maybe it's cause I've been out of my Trans Am and in the Yukon so long that I'm not used to tiny cars or maybe it's the fact that my car is truly the size of a shoebox, but I swear EVERY single car imaginable pulled out in front of me! Hello! I'm bright yellow! Anyways...that was my adventure yesterday!
I didn't sleep all that well last night--had a crazy dream about a lady in high heels and socks! Seriously! Just picture it!
Anyhow! Today I heard the SWEETEST thing ever! Drew finally said "mama". FINALLY! I've been waiting over 13 months for that word and today couldn't have been a better day to hear it!
I've got to get busy I still have 1 more DT layout to complete and there are brownies downstairs calling my name! Later!
It all started with a coupon from Scrapbook N Such. 50% off EVERYTHING! How could I resist that? I immediately began trying to come up with a way to keep Drew contained in the store while I grabbed as much stuff as I possibly could. I showed the coupon to Jason who promptly replied, "I'll make a deal with you." I couldn't help but look at him suspiciously. I believe the last time I heard that, a motorcycle was involved! LOL! He said that he'd watch Drew if I'd take my cutie yellow car and go shopping. I'm guessing he figured if I took the tiny car I could only buy so much stuff. HA! You should see the amount of scrapbook supplies that I managed to stuff into that passenger seat! I believe I "saved" $130 and really it was all stuff that I NEEDED! I can't go to Longview without going to Hobby Lobby now can I? Plus their paper was 50% off too! Had to do a little rearranging in the passenger seat but it all fit. (Did I mention that I was in the scrapbook store less than 5 minutes when my phone rang?
Me: "Hello?"
Jason: "How do you make her eat?"
Seriously????? You put food on the spoon, she opens her mouth like a starving little bird, and in it goes! It's not that hard! Apparently Drew had decided that she wasn't going to eat anything for Daddy all day! Silly girl! LOL!)
Off to Target I went. That's where I picked up Fergie and Pink. (Gwen was already with me!) Couldn't really buy much else--a Backyardigans DVD for Drew--just a little something for making Daddy's day so interesting! On the way home Jason apparently tried calling me 8 times (who could hear the phone over me and Fergie singing #10 at the top of our lungs while racing an old guy in a Dodge Avenger?)
Quick question--One would assume that if you are driving a car the color of a freakin' banana people WILL see you, right? I mean this

does not blend into the scenery, does it? Maybe it's cause I've been out of my Trans Am and in the Yukon so long that I'm not used to tiny cars or maybe it's the fact that my car is truly the size of a shoebox, but I swear EVERY single car imaginable pulled out in front of me! Hello! I'm bright yellow! Anyways...that was my adventure yesterday!
I didn't sleep all that well last night--had a crazy dream about a lady in high heels and socks! Seriously! Just picture it!
Anyhow! Today I heard the SWEETEST thing ever! Drew finally said "mama". FINALLY! I've been waiting over 13 months for that word and today couldn't have been a better day to hear it!
I've got to get busy I still have 1 more DT layout to complete and there are brownies downstairs calling my name! Later!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Take a good look!
This may be the one and only time you ever see me in a swim suit! I totally love that pic of Drew and I though! She was completely scared of the water--screeching when it came towards her and waving "bye-bye" when it went away! We went to the beach in the evenings when it wasn't so hot so a lot of my pictures are gonna need some serious doctoring. Most of them are a bit dark. Surely with over 600 taken, I can find a few good ones! LOL!
Jason & I got a few new toys while we were gone. He somehow convinced me that he "needed" a Harley and I in turn convinced him that I needed a new wedding ring. The Harley got to come home with us but my ring hasn't arrived yet. I picked a setting and a loose stone so it had to be put together. It's so pretty! I'll show pics as soon as I have it in my hot little hands! (And NO it was not the $24,000 one!) Jason's bike is a VROD whatever that is and it's a pretty blue color. It's been completely customized and supposedly has "everything he could ever want" on it. We'll see how long it takes for him to want something different on it! LOL! If Jason got a bike and I got jewelry you may be wondering what Drew got. Poor baby only got 2 t-shirts, a little dress, and a stuffed sea turtle!
Here's Jason & his second "baby"!
Jason & I got a few new toys while we were gone. He somehow convinced me that he "needed" a Harley and I in turn convinced him that I needed a new wedding ring. The Harley got to come home with us but my ring hasn't arrived yet. I picked a setting and a loose stone so it had to be put together. It's so pretty! I'll show pics as soon as I have it in my hot little hands! (And NO it was not the $24,000 one!) Jason's bike is a VROD whatever that is and it's a pretty blue color. It's been completely customized and supposedly has "everything he could ever want" on it. We'll see how long it takes for him to want something different on it! LOL! If Jason got a bike and I got jewelry you may be wondering what Drew got. Poor baby only got 2 t-shirts, a little dress, and a stuffed sea turtle!
Here's Jason & his second "baby"!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
We're Home!
We are finally home from our Florida vacation! I was so tired of being in the car! I'm not a good passenger! LOL! I have tons of pics--600 to be exact. I'll try to post some tomorrow!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
2 in One Week!
I can't believe it! I got an email yesterday telling me that I made the Design Team for! How totally exciting is that? Both kits start in September so I should have lots of goodies for my vacation pics!
Have you ever tried on a $24,000 ring? I did yesterday! It was like wearing a car on your finger! LOL! Seriously! Who spends that much on a ring? I would have never taken it off my finger if it was mine but the woman informed me that it was not to be worn everyday, only for special occasions! It was beautiful though!
Have you ever tried on a $24,000 ring? I did yesterday! It was like wearing a car on your finger! LOL! Seriously! Who spends that much on a ring? I would have never taken it off my finger if it was mine but the woman informed me that it was not to be worn everyday, only for special occasions! It was beautiful though!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
My Secret!
I can finally share my secret! I made the Design Team for which is a brand new kit club. The kits look totally awesome and I'm so excited! Check it out!
We are currently in Florida (Destin area) on vacation. Drew was not totally crazy about the beach yesterday but we finally got her to play in the sand a little by putting a towel down for her to sit on. She really was more interested in hitting the bucket with her little shovel. I got tons of cool pics and I'll definitely share them (well once I figure out how to add pics on here! LOL!)
We are currently in Florida (Destin area) on vacation. Drew was not totally crazy about the beach yesterday but we finally got her to play in the sand a little by putting a towel down for her to sit on. She really was more interested in hitting the bucket with her little shovel. I got tons of cool pics and I'll definitely share them (well once I figure out how to add pics on here! LOL!)
Saturday, August 11, 2007
I have a secret!
But I can't tell you what it is! Duh! It's a secret! LOL! I'll definitely let you know in a few days and trust me--it's a great one!
And I PROMISE that I will fix this dang thing as soon as we get back from vacation! I'll even share some cute pics of Drew's first beach vacation!
And I PROMISE that I will fix this dang thing as soon as we get back from vacation! I'll even share some cute pics of Drew's first beach vacation!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Not a clue!
I totally have NO CLUE what I'm doing so please don't laugh! I woke up this morning and said "Hmmmm. I want a blog." and here it is! LOL! I've got to figure out how to create a title pic that doesn't have words going right across our faces. I know you may not want to look at our faces and would rather have the words, but it's my blog so the words must go! Hopefully I'll get something nice up there in the next few days.
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