that Leslie is going to come after me if I don't update....
Well let's see. It's been over a month. What have I done?
Memorial Day weekend the 3 of us took the travel trailer up between
Texarkana & Jefferson. One day we went antique shopping where I made a grand entrance by falling down a staircase in the middle of the store! I kid you not! I literally did the splits on the stairs and spent the rest of the day limping! The next day we went to
Texarkana so that we could take pics on the state line! Silly I know but you should have seen Jason trying to get Drew to put one foot on either side of the line!
LOL! While we were in
Texarkana we went to a furniture store and FINALLY bought an entertainment center. And we brought it home with us so there was no chance of finding out 2 months later that it was no longer available. We got a good deal on it because it was missing a couple of screws--like those are so hard to come by. It looks great in there but naked cause of course I haven't gotten any pics or
knick-knacks on it yet. I'll do that next year!
The first weekend in June we went up to Arlington for
GASC. Let me tell you--that was the trip from hell! Seriously! Before we even left the house we had a small fire in Drew's room! Mr. Fire Chief Jason informed me that it couldn't be considered a fire since there were no flames but I say that black smoke + melting plug cover and outlet = Fire in my world! We had the travel trailer plugged into the outlet on the wall outside Drew's room and apparently it overloaded it and melted everything. After playing fire fighter and electrician, we left.
About 3 hours later we arrive at our RV park. They didn't like the way Jason pulled in so they made him go back around and come in from the other direction. BIG MISTAKE! He was so concerned with not running into the tree that he ran over the water hook-up, snapping it off at the ground and creating our very own Old Faithful!
LOL! You should have seen how many old men (and women) it took to figure out how to shut off the water. After about an hour or so, they got it shut off and had to hook our trailer and the one next to us to other water sources. one day Jason was not only a fire fighter and electrician but he was also a plumber!
LOL! Growing up in a hardware store does have advantages.
The next day Sarah and I head out to
GASC where we meet up with Leslie. We had a blast shopping! I got so many cool things this year and had so much fun! We stayed until they were literally tearing down the booths!
Here's Leslie & I. Aren't we cute?
LOL! (Really, we both look tired from all that shopping, huh?)

On Sunday Jason, Drew, & I head out to Ikea. We had never been to an Ikea (and according to Jason, we will never return! LOL!) We spent an ungodly amount of time in there. Drew was cranky. Jason was hot (and cranky). We had 3 carts loaded down with $1000 worth of shelves for my scraproom and Jason's office along with a plastic red chair that Drew insisted on pushing like it was a cart. I don't know how many employees we passed that were just standing there watching us struggle with their crazy sideways rolling carts and a possessed 2 year old! That really ticked Jason off! LOL! I understand that that is why they are so cheap but really would it hurt someone to at least act busy instead of staring? LOL! I got all the shelves I wanted but the drawer inserts were out of stock. Now that I've got my shelves together I'm thinking I might not actually want the drawers. But if I do, Jason said I would have to order them online. Once we got outside, we infuriated many a customer because the travel trailer was hooked to the truck and we took up too much room while loading our stuff. I know you're thinking this weekend couldn't possibly get any worse. Ha! Think again!
We got out of there and back on the road by about 2:30. At this point we still had not eaten anything for the day. Drew had had some sish (goldfish) and juice but that was it. Jason wanted to get out of the Dallas area before stopping. About 20 miles from Forney the fuel light came on. Jason said that we could go 30-40 more miles. I suggested we stop in Forney just to be safe but he assured me that we would make it to Terrill with plenty of diesel to spare. HA! Wrong! We were just about to pull off on the Terrill exit when the truck ran out of diesel! (Sometimes I am worth listening to!) It coasted off of the interstate and died! We could see the truck stop sign up over the trees but it was a good quarter to half mile away. Now I know that these days you can't just stop and help stranded motorists anymore but really how scary did the 3 of us look? Finally Jason decided to walk to the gas station and hope that they sold gas cans. (I was perfectly fine with staying there in the truck. It was broad daylight and I had a cell phone and a little friend between the seats so I was good! Drew on the other hand was not so fine with it. She screeched "Belt off!" & "Hot!" & "Juice!" pretty much the entire time he was gone. She also screamed "Stop cars!" everytime a car or truck passed us!) The gas station did not sell gas cans but they did have one. They wouldn't let Jason use it as they said that he would not bring it back. He tried to buy it for $50 even and they refused. A random guy in there happened to have one in his truck that he let Jason take. When Jason returned it he gave the guy $20 just to prove a point to the store clerk! LOL! I believe we finally got to eat our first meal of the day at 4:45! See.....I told you--Weekend from hell! LOL!
If you haven't totally fallen asleep reading my tale, how about some pictures?
The first 3 layouts are my Simply Obsessed layouts for June. How cool is that kit? LOVE it!

The crown and wand set was made for the Last Scrapper Standing contest (as were the "Brand New" and "I Worry" layouts). I made the Top 20 but not the Top 10. I was pretty disappointed but Drew is very happy with her crown and wand (which she uses more like a sword) so that's what really matters, right?
I must go to bed now. Jason's going to watch Drew all day tomorrow so I can have a day all to myself! I'm going shopping! See ya!
PS--Les, are you happy now? ;)