Saturday, August 11, 2007

I have a secret!

But I can't tell you what it is! Duh! It's a secret! LOL! I'll definitely let you know in a few days and trust me--it's a great one!

And I PROMISE that I will fix this dang thing as soon as we get back from vacation! I'll even share some cute pics of Drew's first beach vacation!


AmyG said...

Can't wait to hear what your secret is...glad you've jumped on the blog train! I'm pretty new to it too, but it's lots of fun!
Can't wait to see those pics of Drew at the beach!

Ronda Simpson said...

Ok. I already know Amys secret....hmmmm now I gotta figure out yours. Secrets drive me nuts! Hey do you mind if I add you to my "Blogs i check out"????